Eureka Prize Finalists

UNSW Eureka Prize finalists celebrate a wealth of research and leadership

UNSW has a record 12 finalists in the running at this year's Eureka Prizes, Australia's most high-profile science awards.

Presented annually by the Australian Museum, the Eureka Prizes are the country’s most high-profile science awards, recognising excellence in research and innovation, leadership, science engagement and school science.

UNSW MWAC would like to take this opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge the involvement and contribution of Sonia Bustamante from the Bioanlaytical Mass Spectrometry Facility to the finalists' MS Biomarker Team.

  • MS Biomarker Team – Johnson & Johnson Eureka Prize for Innovation in Medical Research: The team includes Sonia Bustamante, Senior Analytical Chemist at the UNSW Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Facility MWAC. Led by Professor Gilles Guillemin, the team has developed a simple blood test that allows clinicians to rapidly and accurately determine which of the three types of multiple sclerosis a patient has. This world-first discovery enables faster personalised treatment, which has the potential to slow the disease and limit damage to the brain and spinal cord.

The complete UNSW Article can be found here.