Experimental Design: Short Course (21 June, 2018)


21 June, 2018


  • Research questions: How to ask well-defined research questions
  • Populations: How to infer properties of populations from samples
  • Manipulative experiments: Sampling design to infer causal relationships
  • Randomisation: How to collect independent samples for valid inference
  • Control: Importance of comparing to a control group, properties of good controls
  • Sample size: Determining how much data to collect to answer the question
  • Reducing variability: How blocking and statification can reduce variability and improve power
  • Pilot study: How pilot studies can save time and money

Practical Component

  • How to randomise – Random allocation of subjects to treatments and random sampling in space
  • Simple power analysis – How much data do we need to answer the question if interest
  • We will use free online tools, Excel and G*Power

Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea are included in the workshop fee.

Participants will need to bring their own laptop with Excel (or equivalent) and G*Power to the workshop.