Analytical Services

Analysis by BMSF Staff

If a project requires mass spectrometric analysis that is essentially routine then it is likely to proceed with minimal BMSF involvement in attracting grant funding, postgraduate supervision and authorship of research publications. Samples may be submitted along with an analysis request form and the analysis is directed to an instrument and analyst by the lab manager (forms are available in the Access section of this site). Alternatively, in cases where the project requires ongoing analyses of a similar type, users may choose to be trained to undertake their own analysis and book instrument time to do so. The hourly rate for user access substantially less than for analysis undertaken by BMSF staff.

Analysis Carried Out by User

In cases where the project requires ongoing routine analyses, users may choose to be trained to undertake their own analysis and book instrument time to do so. The hourly rate for user access substantially less than for analysis undertaken by BMSF staff. Training arrangements are usually worked out at the time of project registration.

Registration of User Projects

Projects and users need to be registered before users can book onto instruments. Details of these registration processes can be found in the Access section of this site.

Required Acknowledgement

All research publications containing data obtained with resources at the BMSF are required to explicitly acknowledge this with the following wording or similar wording having the same meaning:

Mass spectrometric results (or specify this more precisely) were obtained at the Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry Facilities within the Analytical Centre of the University of New South Wales. Subsidised access to this facility is gratefully acknowledged.

Details of these publications should be sent to the BMSF for reporting purposes.