1. Acquisition and Analysis Flow Cytometry
Multiparametric Flow Cytometry acquisition and analysis is undertaken on Flow Cytometry analysers including BD LSRFortessa™ SORP and X20, Cytek® Aurora, BD FACSCanto™ II and Thermo Fisher Attune.
Features of this technique include;
Rapid and multiparametric analysis of particles through a fluid stream for research purposes with acquisition speeds of up to 20,000 events per second with fluorescent parameters ranging from 355nm - 800nm. Sample uptake options include 96 well plate loading on HTS (High Throughput Sampling - LSRFortessa SORP and Attune). Analysis of up to 42 colours, 64 parameters is usually done via FlowJo or SpectroFlo® (dongle/portal available for borrowing via the facility).
2. Cell Sorting Flow Cytometry
Cell sorting is the physical isolation of particles from a polydisperse sample via charged droplet formation. Instruments enabling cell sorting include Cytek® Aurora-CS, BD FACSAria™ IIu and BD FACS™Melody.
Features of this technique include;
High purification of poly disperse samples (99% purity) andEnrichment of low percentage positive population. Rare event single cell sorting into 384 and 96 well plates for downstream applications including transcriptomics or cloning with index sorting as an option. Sterile purification of cell lines for further invitro studies.Small particle sorting >300nm
3. Nanoparticle Analysis
DLS and NTA using Malvern Zetasizer Ultra™ and Nanosight NS300
Dynamic light scattering and Nanoparticle tracking analysis (DLS) is based on the Brownian motion of dispersed particles. When particles are dispersed in a liquid they move randomly in all directions. The principle of Brownian motion is that particles are constantly colliding with solvent molecules. These collisions cause a certain amount of energy to be transferred, which induces particle movement. The energy transfer is more or less constant and therefore has a greater effect on smaller particles. As a result, smaller particles are moving at higher speeds than larger particles. If you know all other parameters which have an influence on particle movement, you can determine the hydrodynamic diameter by measuring the speed of the particles.
4. Deformability Cytometry (real-time RT-DC) AcCellerator from ZellMechanic
Deformability Cytometry is a novel high-throughput method for the mechanical characterization of single cells (deformation, rigidity and size) based on the hydrodynamic deformation of cells translocating through a microfluidic channel in a contact-free manner.
5. Automated single cell and colony picking system ALS CellCelector™
The ALS CellCelector™ platform is a unique and fully automated cell imaging and picking system developed for detection, selection and isolation of single cells, clusters, spheroids and organoids as well as single cell clones and adherent colonies. It is widely used in a multitude of research areas (e.g. circulating tumor cell/CTC screening, stem cell research as well as cell line development and antibody discovery).