TEM - JEOL GrandARM300F2



The JEM-GrandARM300F2 (GrandARM) is a 300 kV double aberration-corrected TEM with up to 0.05 nm resolution in both STEM and TEM modes. It is equipped with EDX, EELS, and segmented STEM detectors. The GrandARM can be used to image a wide range of materials at the atomic level, including magnetic materials and electric fields, and can utilise our range of in-situ holders.


  • Imaging of beam-sensitive materials at low accelerating voltage (60 or 80 kV). 
  • TEM Imaging at low dose with the K3 direct electron detector. 
  • Energy-filtered TEM imaging using the Gatan Continuum GIF. 
  • “Atomic Resolution” EDX mapping with the dual JEOL 158 mm2 EDX detectors.
  • Elemental composition, Bonding, and oxidation state using the EELS Gatan Continuum Spectrometer with K3 detect electron detector. 
  • Electric and magnetic field imaging using the segmented STEM detector and Lorentz TEM and STEM modes. 
  • In-situ TEM and STEM using the Hummingbird heating and biasing, gas cell and liquid cell holders. 


Compatible Holders:

  • JEOL low background double tilt holders
  • JEOL High Tilt Holders (±70°)
  • JEOL Liquid Nitrogen Cooling Holder
  • Hummingbird 9 contact Heating and Biasing
  • Hummingbird Liquid Flow cell
  • Hummingbird Gas heating holder
  • Protochips Atmosphere in-situ holder
  • Simple Origin cryo-transfer holder
  • Fischione Gas/Vacuum transfer holder


To discuss training or how your project could benefit from using this microscope, please contact EMUACTEM@unsw.edu.au and fill in the GrandARM Access form.


Staff Details
Professor Richard Tilley
Associate Professor Shery Chang 
Dr Soshan Cheong 
Dr Richard Webster