

Although with recent software measuring colocalization coefficients is a trivial task, it is a much more challenging to interpret their meaning or to know which values you should be using. With this in mind this workshop is largely focused on a mini review and explanation of the most useful readouts of colocalization and discussions about when they are to be used. We will also address how to correctly setup the microscope for colocalization experiments and end with some hands on examples using ImageJ plugins.  



Please select a date below and register for both part 1 and part 2.


Monday 26th February @1pm

Monday 8th April @ 1pm



Free to active users of any any of the following Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre facilities: 

  • BMIF - Biomedical Imaging Facility
  • BRIL - Biological Resources Imaging Laboratory
  • BMSF - Bioanalytical Mass Spectroscoy Facility
  • EMU - Electron Microscope Unit
  • NMR - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
  • SSEAU -Solid State & Elemental Analysis Unit
  • Spectroscopy Laboratory

Also open to individuals not using these facilities at a cost. For more information please email