KGLMF users must:
- comply with all occupational health and safety requirements outlined during their general inductions to the KGLMF laboratories, as well as those highlighted during specific instrument training and after hours inductions.
- ensure that any work that is published, or publicly presented, is accompanied with the appropriate level of acknowledgment (see ‘Acknowledging the KGLMF’ below).
- leave microscopy and tissue culture labs in a clean and tidy state.
- report all faults or irregularities in the KGLMF instruments to a KGLMF staff member immediately when they are known.
- take full responsibility of their samples and acquired data. The KGLMF takes no responsibility for loss or damage of samples left in our facility, or for loss of data not stored appropriately.
- only book time on KGLMF instruments with the approval of their supervisor(s) as access fees will be charged for all logged/booked instrument time.
- notify the KGLMF using the following email kglmf@unsw.edu.au if:
- You cancel a booking within 24 hours of that booking commencing.
- You will be greater than 20 minutes late for the start of your booking.
- Although you were using the machine at the start of your booking, due to your sample(s) being unsuitable you no longer need the remainder of your booking.
In the event that a machine has been booked and not used, and the KGLMFhave not been notified as outlined above, the following will result:
- First time - email notification sent to user.
- Second time - supervisor also notified and booked times charged to the Users supervisor's account at an hourly rate (in addition to subscription fee).
- Third time - access may be removed and booked times charged to account at an hourly rate (in addition to subscription fee).
KGLMF users must not:
- provide access to the KGLMF laboratories to unregistered users without the specific permission of KGLMF staff.
- interfere with any of the KGLMF instruments if they have not booked the time or are not certified to use the instruments by KGLMF staff.
- undertake any work that is not directly related to their project.
- train other users, whether they are registered or not, unless permitted to do so by KGLMF staff.
- use personal USB devices in any of the computers operating BMIF machines. All computers will have a server mapped to aid in data removal.
Acknowledging the KGLMF
If publications or presentations should arise from work carried out either in part, or in their entirety, within the KGLMF adequate acknowledgment should be given to KGLMF UNSW. This is not only a polite acknowledgment but also vital for us to track the impact we have, which helps justify the service we provide.
Example: "The imaging component of this study was carried out using instruments situated in, and maintained by, the Katharina Gaus Light Microscopy Facility (KGLMF) at UNSW."
In some circumstances members of the KGLMF may contribute to your work far in excess of basic training and guidance in operating the machine. In such cases it is deemed courteous to given them a personal acknowledgment in the text, and in cases where they have contributed significant intellectual input, like all academics, this should be reflected in the list of authors.